Lion Run
Lion Run - trkač igra. Borba s neprijateljima, pobijediti!
Prevladati prepreke, trčanje, boriti se s neprijateljima, ubiti, pobijediti i zaraditi bodove!
Lion Run je novi besplatni trkač tip igra koja će vam omogućiti da nastanjuju tijelo lava u Africi. Mali Lav je živio sa svojom obitelji u Kenia dok je bio otet od strane pirata. Srećom, brod na kojem Lav je isporučen, je potonuo za vrijeme oluje. Sada lav je na Zapadu Afrike. On želi da se vrati svojoj obitelji u Kenia. Vi ćete mu pomoći izvršiti zadatak.
Lion Pokreni se sastoji od sedam stupnjeva Lavlje života. U prvi lav je mali i bespomoćan. Uz svaki stupanj Lion dobiva dodatne vještine i ovlasti koje će mu pomoći nositi sa svojim neprijateljima. Kad odraste, on će biti dovoljno jak kako bi pronašli put do svoje kuće. Do tada, Dino će morati prevladati mnoge druge opasne životinje i šefove koje stoje na putu (borbeni) u VS modu i prevladati teške prepreke (kosti, zmije, trnja, kamenje, lava, geisers i tako dalje).
Pobijediti i postati kralj Afrike morate završiti sve razine, prikupljanje hrane i razvijati Lion sposobnosti. Pozovite svoje prijatelje da igraju s vama i usporedite vaše rezultate. Biti najbolji i kompletna 63 razina!
Ne zaboravite posjetiti lavovski jamu. Tu možete gledati kao znak raste, vidjeli svoju zbirku trofeja i njegova posebnim ovlastima: usporeno, dupli skok i izdržljiv kože.
U igri možete pronaći razne spieces divljih životinja (oba biljojede i zvijeri): nosorog, srna, leopard, gepard, supa.
Ova arkadna & avantura (2015) ima HD grafiku. To će biti cool i jednostavan kako za djecu (djevojčice, dječake i odrasle). Igra ima beskrajnu mod, misije i mogućnost da se osigura poseban kod.
Prey, napad, dominirati, trčanje, dobiti bitku, dobiti rat! Budite safari ubojica! Budite lovac! Razvijati svoj lava da bude kralj divlji svijet.
Ako imate bilo kakvih ideja za igre - kontaktirajte nas:
[email protected]
Mi smo sve sretniji sa svakim od vaše e-mail poruke.
Overcome obstacles, run, fight with enemies, kill, win and earn points!
Lion Run is a new free runner type game that will allow you to inhabit the body of a lion in Africa. Small Lion had been living with his family in Kenia until he has been kidnapped by pirates. Fortunately, the ship on which Lion was shipped, has sank during a storm. Now Lion is in the West of Africa. He wants to return to his family in Kenia. You are going to help him carry out the task.
Lion Run consists of the seven stages of Lion’s life. In the first the lion is small and helpless. With each stage Lion gains additional skills and powers that will help him deal with his foes. When he grows up, he will be strong enough to find the way to his home. Until then, Dino will have to overcome many other dangerous animals and bosses that stand in his way (fighting) in VS mode and overcome difficult obstacles (bones, snakes, thorns, stones, lava, geisers and so on).
To win and become the king of the Africa you have to complete all the levels, collect food and develop Lion’s capabilities. Invite your friends to play with you and compare your scores. Be the best and complete 63 levels!
Do not forget to visit Lion’s Cave. There you can watch as the character grows, view his collection of trophies and also his extra powers: Slow Motion, Double Jump and Tough Skin.
In the game you can find variety spieces of wild animals (both herbivores and carnivores): rhino, gazelle, leopard, cheetah, vulture.
This arcade & adventure game (2015) has HD graphics. It will be cool and easy both for kids (girls, boys) and adults. Game has the endless mode, missions and option to provide a special code.
Prey, attack, dominate, run, win the battle, win the war! Be the safari killer! Be the hunter! Evolve your lion to be the king the wild world.
If you have any ideas for the game - contact us:
[email protected]
We are getting happier with each of your email message.
Lion Run je novi besplatni trkač tip igra koja će vam omogućiti da nastanjuju tijelo lava u Africi. Mali Lav je živio sa svojom obitelji u Kenia dok je bio otet od strane pirata. Srećom, brod na kojem Lav je isporučen, je potonuo za vrijeme oluje. Sada lav je na Zapadu Afrike. On želi da se vrati svojoj obitelji u Kenia. Vi ćete mu pomoći izvršiti zadatak.
Lion Pokreni se sastoji od sedam stupnjeva Lavlje života. U prvi lav je mali i bespomoćan. Uz svaki stupanj Lion dobiva dodatne vještine i ovlasti koje će mu pomoći nositi sa svojim neprijateljima. Kad odraste, on će biti dovoljno jak kako bi pronašli put do svoje kuće. Do tada, Dino će morati prevladati mnoge druge opasne životinje i šefove koje stoje na putu (borbeni) u VS modu i prevladati teške prepreke (kosti, zmije, trnja, kamenje, lava, geisers i tako dalje).
Pobijediti i postati kralj Afrike morate završiti sve razine, prikupljanje hrane i razvijati Lion sposobnosti. Pozovite svoje prijatelje da igraju s vama i usporedite vaše rezultate. Biti najbolji i kompletna 63 razina!
Ne zaboravite posjetiti lavovski jamu. Tu možete gledati kao znak raste, vidjeli svoju zbirku trofeja i njegova posebnim ovlastima: usporeno, dupli skok i izdržljiv kože.
U igri možete pronaći razne spieces divljih životinja (oba biljojede i zvijeri): nosorog, srna, leopard, gepard, supa.
Ova arkadna & avantura (2015) ima HD grafiku. To će biti cool i jednostavan kako za djecu (djevojčice, dječake i odrasle). Igra ima beskrajnu mod, misije i mogućnost da se osigura poseban kod.
Prey, napad, dominirati, trčanje, dobiti bitku, dobiti rat! Budite safari ubojica! Budite lovac! Razvijati svoj lava da bude kralj divlji svijet.
Ako imate bilo kakvih ideja za igre - kontaktirajte nas:
[email protected]
Mi smo sve sretniji sa svakim od vaše e-mail poruke.
Overcome obstacles, run, fight with enemies, kill, win and earn points!
Lion Run is a new free runner type game that will allow you to inhabit the body of a lion in Africa. Small Lion had been living with his family in Kenia until he has been kidnapped by pirates. Fortunately, the ship on which Lion was shipped, has sank during a storm. Now Lion is in the West of Africa. He wants to return to his family in Kenia. You are going to help him carry out the task.
Lion Run consists of the seven stages of Lion’s life. In the first the lion is small and helpless. With each stage Lion gains additional skills and powers that will help him deal with his foes. When he grows up, he will be strong enough to find the way to his home. Until then, Dino will have to overcome many other dangerous animals and bosses that stand in his way (fighting) in VS mode and overcome difficult obstacles (bones, snakes, thorns, stones, lava, geisers and so on).
To win and become the king of the Africa you have to complete all the levels, collect food and develop Lion’s capabilities. Invite your friends to play with you and compare your scores. Be the best and complete 63 levels!
Do not forget to visit Lion’s Cave. There you can watch as the character grows, view his collection of trophies and also his extra powers: Slow Motion, Double Jump and Tough Skin.
In the game you can find variety spieces of wild animals (both herbivores and carnivores): rhino, gazelle, leopard, cheetah, vulture.
This arcade & adventure game (2015) has HD graphics. It will be cool and easy both for kids (girls, boys) and adults. Game has the endless mode, missions and option to provide a special code.
Prey, attack, dominate, run, win the battle, win the war! Be the safari killer! Be the hunter! Evolve your lion to be the king the wild world.
If you have any ideas for the game - contact us:
[email protected]
We are getting happier with each of your email message.
Download Lion Run APK
Trenutna Verzija: Varies with device
Instalacija: 500,000+
Prosjek Ocjene:
(4.1 out of 5)

Korisnici Ocjenjivanja:
Android Varies with device
Ocjena Sadržaja: Teen
Naziv Paketa: pl.netigen.lion