Never Have I Ever - The Group Party Game
Aldri har jeg noen gang utsatt morsomme historier fra vennene dine på deres ville fortid
Have you ever ... been kicked out of a club? ... egged a house? ... won something on the radio?
Never Have I Ever is a group party game that brings out wild and fun stories from your past.
Click through statements within the game reading never have I ever before each (such as "Never Have I Ever ... Played Strip Poker". Any players who have done as the statement reads, takes a drink and is marked within the game. At the conclusion of the game, the app will present awards to players based on what they have and haven't done.
Awards given are based on which the topics of Never Have I Ever statements players have done, such as dangerous actions, adventurous stories, an embarrassing history, sexual conquests, lucky opportunities and more!
Never Have I Ever is a group party game that brings out wild and fun stories from your past.
Click through statements within the game reading never have I ever before each (such as "Never Have I Ever ... Played Strip Poker". Any players who have done as the statement reads, takes a drink and is marked within the game. At the conclusion of the game, the app will present awards to players based on what they have and haven't done.
Awards given are based on which the topics of Never Have I Ever statements players have done, such as dangerous actions, adventurous stories, an embarrassing history, sexual conquests, lucky opportunities and more!
Download Never Have I Ever - The Group Party Game 1.1.36 APK
Gjeldende Versjon: 1.1.36
Installerer: 1,000+
(4.0 out of 5)

Rating Brukere:
Android 4.0+
Innholdsvurdering: Teen
Pakkenavn: com.digimo.neverhaveiever
What's New in Never-Have-I-Ever-The-Group-Party-Game 1.1.36
This app enhances the popular party game Never Have I Ever by presenting you with statements which any player has either done or never ever done.
Click through each of the statements in the game and mark which players have done as the game reads. When one player has done 10 things, the game ends and presents players with awards based on their responses.