Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: December 29, 2013
Venture into the Dragon Portal and help Mila save the world! Inventive new match-three gameplay in a world full of wonder and style.REVIEWS☆ "A phenomenal puzzler that fires up match-three gameplay with inventive new mechanics and wonderful sense of style" - - GOLD...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: December 29, 2013
Miriel's Enchanted Mystery is a charming casual time management game with a magical theme and hidden object minigame. Join Miriel and solve the mystery of a mysterious egg artifact! REVIEWS"If you're a fan of time management, you'll likely enjoy Miriel's Enchanted...
Version: 1.24.09 APK - Updated: December 28, 2013
Dead Bunker - the horror game is one of the few games that really make you scared. The whole gameplay is in first person. You have to go through a huge old bunker, where the unknown incidents took place, after which all employees were either dead or missing. In order to classify all the information...
Version: 1.01.10 APK - Updated: December 28, 2013
You are a young man with supernatural powers. And the purpose of your life is to study ghosts and demons. Traveling around the world, you look for different places, which are believed to be haunted. Very few people believe in it. But not you. After a terrible accident in which you miraculously...
Version: 1.02.05 APK - Updated: December 28, 2013
Ste pripravljeni sprejeti dar norosti in razumeti skrivnosti globokega? Če je da, vas čaka duševna bolnišnica. Zgodba o duševni bolnišnici se začne z banalnim dogodkom v življenju mladega poročevalca. Strinjal se je, da bo v psihiatrični bolnišnici posnel, da je nalagal posebne sile,...
Version: 1.10.12 APK - Updated: December 28, 2013
You will uncover a grim secret of "B-18", long abandoned for unknown reasons. And who knows what adventures awaits you there? Get ready for the most horrible experience of your life! A continuation to already liked horror “Dead Bunker”. The game begins right after our hero collects...
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: December 27, 2013
Star Armada je celotna strateška igra v realnem času (z enotami, strukturami, viri in prilagodljivimi AI). V ogromnih epskih bitkah za prevlado vesolja! Star Armada ima vmesnik, ki je močan in prilagodljiv za nadzor nad usodo vašega vesoljskega imperija! funkcije igre - * 2 načina igre -...
Version: 0.9 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
dva grada in hrib med njima. To je situacija za vašega kralja in grdega bojevnika na drugi strani hriba. Izbrišite svoj grad ali bo izbrisal vašega. Posneti s topom, kupite kroglice in pištolo v prahu, popravite svoj grad in poskusite preživeti. lahko igrate proti računalniku ali s...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Navdušujoča pustolovščina v samem srcu Transilvanije Avanture London 1904. Sedem let po tem, ko je premagal in uničil Drakulo, Jonathan Harker odkrije, da je njegova žena Mina pobegnila iz Londona za grof v grad v Transylvaniji. Kaj pa, če Mina pade nazaj v roke zla? Kaj pa, če Draculas...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
NEWS: Retro Blitz is the "Remake of the Month" in GamesTM magazine in the UK this month. Many thanks!You don't have the fuel to reach the airport and you have the unenviable task of bombing the city flat to make your own landing strip. Luckily you were able to radio for help and the...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2013
Any troubles?First, please check the FAQ on our website.(Link is on the mid of this page)********************************************Mahjong is a Chinese classic boardgames. With the 152 exotically-designed tiles and with many distinct NPC opponents, you can enjoy Mahjong everywhere and everytime!...
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: December 25, 2013
This is the Unleashed Edition of the collectible card game Summoner Call! What you will get with this edition?- No more ADs! - 5 Times higher daily limit on multiplayer games - 3 Exclusive new cards - Infinite gratitude for supporting development and multiplayer server costs So... Are you ready for...
Version: 4.2 APK - Updated: December 25, 2013
Baby explorer is a fun learning program for children of all ages.Contains 17 games in one:- Sound animated learning of letters and numbers.- Learn to recognize animals and their sounds.- Distinguish shapes and colors and match the pieces.- Distinguish between colors and show your ability to move...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
NEODROID: Neogeo emuator za Android! - Arhiv BIOS ( vstavite v imenik ROM - vstavite ROM kamor koli, vendar v isti imenik kot vaša datoteka BIOS ( {##} - Združljiv s formati MAME ROMS - Zaženite s polno hitrostjo na 1GHz napravah - Kompatibilnost mora biti enaka kot Gngeo...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: December 22, 2013
Remastered from the ground up, the famous Daley Thompson's Decathlon for Android. The remastered version of the game is as addictive as the original and now you can use Twitter to share your achievements with your friends. -TWO DAYS OF SPORT -TEN EVENTS -GAME CENTER SUPPORT -LEADER BOARDS...
Version: 1.2.8 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
★ Uradno ena izmed najboljših strateških iger vseh časov! je hit 3D strateška igra, ki temelji na obrnite, da o katerem vsi govorijo. Z edinstveno komični slog in obilo smeha in navdušenja, boste vedno znova vračali znova in znova za...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Igrajte, raziskujte in letijte po nebu s čarovnico, mačko in prijatelji! Halloween Classic, ki jo lahko uživate skozi vse leto. [email protected]*** 8 Čarobne, zabavne igre, ki temeljijo na knjigi uspešnic Julia Donaldson in Axel Scheffler, ustvarjalca Gruffalo. nj vsi. Zberite...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
DESCRIPTIONLace up, take a deep breath and Kick for your country in this season’s hit game, Flick Nations Rugby! Failure is not an option.Includes conversions, kick-to-touch, hit the goal posts and more across five game modes!Featuring the legendary ‘flick and after-touch’ controls from Full...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Originalni strelec z blokom za več igralcev za mobilne naprave! Block Ops je nova, voxel sodobna vojaška prva oseba. Igra vsebuje jezikovna, šaljiva parodija sodobnih iger v uničujočem, na bloku, ki temelji na blokih. Od puščav do arktičnih tundra, ko infiltrirate sovražnikove trdnjave,...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: December 20, 2013
Over 50 stages in total! Lose yourself in a complex and authentic action platformer for smartphones. Join little Ivy's big adventure as she dashes across the pages of an antique storybook. Pull the vines and guide Ivy safely to her goal. Ivy the Kiwi?, the hit action game for home consoles, is...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: December 19, 2013
Relativity Wars je strateška igra tipa Boga, ki je postavljena v vesolju, ki upošteva Einsteins teorije relativnosti! Raziskovali boste vesolje, poveljevali flota in nameščali orožje, ki upogiba samo tkanino prostora in časa. V vojnih relativnosti igrate boga, ki poveljuje civilizacijo, ko...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 19, 2013
Ko se vaš vlak ustavi v Andvilleu, ste vpet v splet prevare, kjer čaka črna vdova. Sledite sled namigov in mrtvih mož, ko raziskujete to nekoč slikovito mesto, ki je zdaj na milost in usmiljenju Črne vdove in njenih mehanskih minionov. Kaj poganja poželenje za maščevanje? Kje je koren...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 19, 2013
Track down your real parents in The Keepers: Lost Progeny! After growing up an orphan, a mysterious photo showing your parents arrives! On the back side of the photo is a note with the name of a town, which is where your journey begins. Explore the mysterious town and discover a shocking tale. Are...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: December 18, 2013
Enjoy the simplicity and retro feeling of a space shooter boosted by incredible voxel graphics and vintage effects.Defend our solar system against waves of angry invaders in a world of voxels graphics.With just one finger you can fire your voxel canons at the enemies while moving your spaceship in...
Version: 1.70 APK - Updated: December 18, 2013
Popolna različica (brez oglasov) osupljivih dirk in arkadnih iger, ki ostanejo tako znani naslovi, kot so GTA, Carmageddon, Test Drive in Street Rod Series. Trgovanje, globalne lestvice, več kot 25 nadgradljivih avtomobilov, 20 različnih misij, edinstvena igranja, super grafika in čudovit...
Version: 19 APK - Updated: December 18, 2013
★★★★★"Sorry Frogger: Plop the Frog is my new favorite video game amphibian." - Tucker Cummings, ★★★★★“It’s been a while since we’ve seen gameplay this good.” Matt McDonnell, ★★★★★“I’ve honestly never played anything...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 17, 2013
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 17, 2013
* Top 1 en educacion en el app store de España. Por tierra, mar, aire... ¡hasta el cosmos! DADA Company presenta la forma más divertida y atractiva de aprender y explotar el interés de los más pequeños por los coches, las motos, los barcos, los cohetes, etc.★ APRENDER JUGANDO ★'Con...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 17, 2013
★ 리듬게임의 전설, 오투잼!음악과 슈팅이 만난 음악게임의 진화, 오투잼 슛! 지금 바로 만나보세요~!■ 플레이 방법1. 떨어지는 노트가 좌우 원형에 일치하는 순간, 해당 원형을 터치 or 슬라이드 하세요. 2. 슈팅모드가...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 16, 2013
Lov na Drakula se nadaljuje v tej krvni pustolovščini Avanture Jonathan Harker se zmagoslavno vrne iz Transilvanije, potem ko reši Mino. vendar ne more dolgo počivati-Dracula mu je sledila do Londona. je zdaj odločen, da bo lovil število, kamor koli gre, tako da ga lahko enkrat za vselej...