Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
Stop a mechanical monster before it destroys an entire town in Depths of Betrayal! Uncover the truth and stop the terrifying machine in this incredible Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game. Protect the people of the town and figure out why the machine turned its back on its creator and went berserk....
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
As the Chief Archaeologist and most experienced in Mayan culture, the Embassy has sent you to investigate the mysterious demise of the last known royal Mayan family. The royal family supposedly died in 1536, yet artifacts left by the Mayan princess have been uncovered dating back to 1556 - twenty...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
For hundreds of years, the clock tower at the edge of town has been a landmark and a tourist attraction. The tower itself appears to never age, and the small town’s inhabitants are prosperous and happy. Enter the Hands of Fate - a mysterious group whose objective is to keep the continuum of time...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Another addictive Match-3 diamond/jewels style game with three great game modes.Puzzle QuestYou need at least two identical jewels to remove it from the playfield. Find 3 or more identical jewels to to fill the playfield withnew items. The more you can remove at once, the more new you get. The game...
Version: 1.48 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Try as fast as possible to clean up the playfield, earn bonus time with speed combinations and discover all special itemsHow To Play:Tap one of the buttons (blue, green, yellow, red) on the right side of the screen in the same color of the first block to crush him. Tap on the screen to activate...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Completely redesigned for mobile devices! Continue your globetrotting adventure around the world to reunite the spirits of an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and Queen, who have been separated for over 2000 years. Journey deep into undiscovered Pyramids and Temples to solve hidden mysteries in a quest to...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
The villain Jacques has stolen the Treasures of the Ages so he can harness their mystical powers in his evil plan to rule the world. You must help Will Scout and Anna Graham on their quest to defeat Jacques and rescue the treasures. Only by following clues and escaping Jacques’ sinister traps...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Pour vous divertir et vous détendre Dream On Studio vous propose 49 nouvelles grilles de mots fléchés. 1500 Définitions à découvrir et à placer sur les grilles avec encore plus de simplicitéGrilles 8x13Niveau 1 - Facile Nouveauté :Le Clavier a été grandement amélioréMode Eco : Permet...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 13, 2013
Pripnite se in se pripravite na vožnjo svojega življenja ... nepremišljena dirka se vrne z več! , vključno z izbiro 18 zelo podrobnih avtomobilov, od majhnih umazanij do hitrih supercarjev in 24 poti v raznolikosti okusov naredi to dirkač za vse okuse - tako umazanijo kot tudi tarčo. ...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: August 11, 2013
wed a misel, da bi ropal banko, bi bil preprost del? zdaj prihaja pravi izziv - pobegniti s svojim težko zasluženim plen in mehkim vročo za peta ; Dodge, OuTun ali Ram, ki zasledujejo policijske avtomobile in se na splošno zrušijo, razbijajo in trgajo skozi 16 raznolikih stopenj. Zabavno, ko...
Version: 1.81 APK - Updated: August 10, 2013
Megacity je zelo originalna in zabavna ena več večkratna mestna gradbena puzzle igra. {#{ {#{ Vsi si želijo prijetnega parka ali šole v bližini, vendar je proračun mest omejen. {#{ In če gre vse narobe, je kriva, ker ste se odločili za župana, kajne? Megacity je resnična igra za...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
Air Lane is back but this time it's on the battle field. After directing hundreds of aircraft to the runway, it’s time that you take your skills to the next level. Welcome to Battle Lines. It’s air traffic control in the middle of a battle field. You’re not the innocent traffic controller...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
This retro platform game pays tribute to and parodies classic platform games, in style!Manley's motorcycle has been stolen by evil aliens! It's up to you to help him kick some alien hide and claim it back in this incredible parody of the great platform games of the past! Venture into a...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
"Monster Poker" is a fantastic card game that you call a monster and scramble for a cristal which is on the field.It would be very easy to play because the rule is almost same as the Poker rule.There is no operating with the cursor. You just operate with the Touch & Drag so you should...
Version: 1.18 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
PocketGamer: ""If you’re a strategy fan, you need this game"" PLATINUM AWARD!TouchGen: ""So engaging it’s almost impossible to put down"" EDITOR'S CHOICE!TouchArcade: ""It nails!"" 5/5 STARS! GAME OF THE YEAR RUNNER-UP...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Postanite eden od letalskih asov prve svetovne vojne. Pomagajte zaveznikom, da končajo brutalno in neskončno vojno.Pridruži se nam! Dokaži, da si najboljši v zraku!Pripravite se na:• Potopite se v eleganten igralni svet• Izpolnite veliko razburljivih nalog• Letite z različnimi bojnimi...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Mind Wall is unique 3D arcade puzzler that is instantly understood, beautifully simple to control, and diabolically difficult to master.• Randomly generated levels• Unlockable game modes and shape editor• Haunting original soundtrack• Installs to SD card by default• Independent Game...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
=== Story ===Piše se leto 2100 in Zemlja je hitro zmanjkuje sredstev. V odgovor na krizo virov, sta najmočnejši družbe, biosfero in APEX, pobota voditi vesoljsko ekspedicijo. Na njihovo veliko presenečenje so odkrili obsežne vire na čudnem planetu daleč od celo največjih kart zvezda....
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: August 07, 2013
Recreate the battles of Rommel in North Africa in the Second World War.This is the FULL version with eight scenarios:1. Italian invasion 1940.2. Rommel arrives 1941 and storms across the desert, but cannot take Tobruk.3. Operation Crusader - Rommel is defeated and Tobruk relieved.4. Gazala -...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: August 07, 2013
Bitka pri Waterlou leta 1815 je bila klimaktična bitka v Napoleonskih vojnah. Zavezniška vojska pod Wellingtonom je trdno stala proti nenehnim napadom francoske vojske pod Napoleonom in odštela uro do prihoda pruske vojske pod Bluchenom. na mobilni napravi? No, zdaj lahko - dokler imate napravo...
Version: 1.0.26 APK - Updated: August 06, 2013
Resna grožnja se je približala mirnemu vrtu in pomagati ga morate braniti pri reševanju vrta! Ko množice gladkih žuželk hitijo, da napolnijo svoje mrake, so rastline, ki vplivajo na vrt, odložile vsakodnevno delo, da bi rešile majhno domovino. Ukažite obrambo, vodite zelene branilce v...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 02, 2013
Pomagajte Samu Wildeu rešiti svojo ljubezen, Anna, v robu zavesti: Dorian Grey Sindrom - neverjetna puzzlega puzzlije skrita predmeta! Sams je vsak korak spremljal, zato mora biti še posebej previden. Ko je preizkusil svoje novinarske talente, mora Sam najti manijaka, ki je ugrabil Ano in ga...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: July 31, 2013
After the dead start to rise, Funeraria Loca sees their funeral parlor business go down the tubes! Find a new way to put the undead to rest in Grave Mania: Undead Fever, an incredible Time Management game. After the people of Pastryport are turned into zombies, it’s up to you to put them...
Version: 1.0.27 APK - Updated: July 26, 2013
Leto kasneje so vsi pomislili, da so videli zadnjo čarovnico, vendar se vrača! Tokrat je ujela otroka princese Isabellasa in v tem procesu vrgla urok po celotnem kraljestvu. Reši kraljestvo in sledite čarovniškim zlobnim potm nazaj do njenega brloga. Zadnjič jo premagajte s pomočjo vašega...
Version: APK - Updated: July 24, 2013
Pomagajte dvema znanstvenikom, da razkrivata temno skrivnost za ledeno odpravo, ki je šla narobe! V tej skriti objektni pustolovščini ste vabljeni, da sledite tem znanstvenikom, ko potujejo po zamrznjeni pokrajini Antarktike in pogumni zlovešče energijo, ki se skriva med njenimi enigmatičnimi...
Version: 4.4 APK - Updated: July 17, 2013
RICO je stara šola v šoli! način poiščite nadgradnje, da dobite sposobnosti, kot je dvojni skok , dosežejo čarobne kamne, da aktivirate kontrolne točke Poiščite in uporabite orožje za boj proti sovražnikom muhe z jetpackom soočite se z Rico v Epic Boss Battles 4 Stopnje...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: July 16, 2013
-- ADVICE: THIS IS NOT A GAME; IT IS A TOOL TO USE AGAINST THE ROULETTE --Roulette Attack is a strategic betting app designed to challenge the Roulette. You will learn six different betting systems and the engine will do all the nasty work. You will only have to worry when to start betting, or you...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 11, 2013
Block Warfare Zombies is a new MULTIPLAYER first person zombie shooter from the makers of Block Ops, set in a blocky, voxel based world.Grab some friends and shoot zombies to gain credits to buy better weapons and place blocks to build your own defenses and create your own fortress against the...
Version: 0.5.6 APK - Updated: July 08, 2013
OFERTA HASTA EL 31 DE JULIO!Juega y aprende los instrumentos musicales!Su hijo aprenderá los nombres y sonidos de los instrumentos musicales mientras se divierte jugando.¿Recuerdas el juego "Simon"? El funcionamiento es similar pero con imágenes y sonidos de instrumentos. Al tratarse...
Version: 1.06 APK - Updated: July 05, 2013
Simple and addictive shuffleboard game. Single player, two player and computer vs. player games. Barricade mode with unlockable levels.Game ControlsPlace your finger on the puck and swipe upward to throw it.Players are given 5 pucks per level. Once all Pucks are thrown, the final score is summed...