Best Discount Games
Version: 1.2.7 APK - Updated: December 03, 2013
Razbijte krogle in shranite svet! opis Pripravite se, da shranite Crowberry Woods v tej igri za uspešnico marmorja! s tapkanjem tam, kjer želite, da vaša krogla pristane. Ujemajte se s tremi istimi barvnimi kroglami, da bodo izginile. Ujemajte se več, da zaslužite neverjetne napajanja! Ne...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: December 03, 2013
Nagrajeno nadaljevanje HandTastic Puzzle Game Hit, ki se je pridružil roke! V zvezdni noči se čudoviti mali pavci prebudijo z ognjevito kroglico, ki se zruši v skrajni kotiček šepetajočega gozda. Kaj bi lahko bilo? Pridružite se Peablinom, rešite ljubke uganke in ugotovite! ...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: December 03, 2013
The sequel to the critically acclaimed ‘Anomaly Warzone Earth’!The alien robots are back and this time they’ve got Korea in their sights. It’s your job to lead a squad into fierce fire-fights and fend off the alien invasion. Plan your routes carefully and use new units and powers to turn...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 02, 2013
よ~く見て! ドコかにまちがいが隠れていますよ♪ そっくりなイラスト☆まちがいはドコ!?難しさイロイロ・注目のまちがい探しです! 絵を見てまちがっている箇所を見つけたらチェック! 「全てのまちがいを...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 02, 2013
よ~く見て! ドコかにまちがいが隠れていますよ♪ そっくりなイラスト☆まちがいはドコ!?難しさイロイロ・注目のまちがい探しです! 絵を見てまちがっている箇所を見つけたらチェック! 「全てのまちがいを...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 02, 2013
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: November 28, 2013
パチスロ「スナイパイ72」のアプリ完全バージョンです。オートプレイ、設定変更機能もデフォルト装備しております。パチンコホールの臨場感をあなたのスマートフォンで体感してください。◆◆◆ ご購入前に必ず一読�...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 27, 2013
A mysterious family has contacted you and holds the secrets of your past! Fix the errors in time in this exciting Hidden Object game and take your rightful place in the Flux family! Explore famous historical sites like Hatshepsut's tomb, the Wright Brothers' workshop, Benjamin...
Version: 1.5.5 APK - Updated: November 26, 2013
Dangerous je konzola -kakovost [Mobile] igra 2011 dosežek za izjemen izvirni zvočni posnetek nevarno je simulacija prostora, ki ima neverjetno globino. (doseženo A -) nevarno je brez dvoma (ne, resno) najbolj robustna vesoljska pustolovščina, ki...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2013
projektil InvaderOd ustvarjalcev Astro vojn, Galaxy Invader in drugih retro ročni / teoretičnih emulacijah je to klasičen ročni prostor-Invader slog igre, ki jih Bandai in Sears ustvaril: izstrelkov Invader (ali izstrelkov Vader). Posnetki zaslona kažejo dejanske aplikacije v akciji. Oglejte...
Version: 1.5.5 APK - Updated: November 25, 2013
"Dangerous is a Console-Quality [mobile] Game""2011 Achievement for Outstanding Original Soundtrack""Dangerous is a space simulation that has incredible depth." (scored A-)"Dangerous is without a doubt (no, seriously) the...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: November 24, 2013
Postanite mojster binarnih datotek in podomrežij ter se obenem zabavajte!Binary Blitz je zbirka izobraževalnih in zabavnih iger, ki vam bodo pomagale izpopolniti vaše binarne spretnosti in veščine povezovanja v podomrežja.Popolnoma brez oglasovIzberite eno od 9 mini iger, da vadite veščino,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 23, 2013
Trobljenje sebe nazaj v 70-ih in 80-ih! Ko igre so preprosta, vendar še vedno zelo zasvoji. Točne rekreacija v igri z CGL, Gakken in Tandy, med drugim. Zabava za vse starosti s tri težavnostne stopnje. Vsi ti retro zvoki in da vakuumski fluorescentni zaslon tukaj. To je klasična in zelo...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 21, 2013
The spine-tingling series returns! After inheriting a manor in England, you begin to explore the Kangale Estate and discover its history in Shiver: Poltergeist! Ricardo Chellini’s life is incredibly dull and full of repetitive tasks that leave him unfulfilled. One day, however, he receives a...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 21, 2013
Evropska vojna 2 je nov slog strateška igra na ozadju druge svetovne Ⅱ (Super tveganja). V igri odvisno od vojakov se lahko potegovali za ozemlja, kot dežel, mest in oceanov, še za vire, razvoj gospodarstva in vojaške, osvojiti sovražniki " prestolnice in destory enemies.There so 28...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 20, 2013
ON SALE FOR $1.49 FOR A LIMITED TIME! One win and you'll win your app money back! There's so much to gain!Use Baccarat Cheater to make the decision for you at the baccarat table!Just enter in results of the last hand and the complex algorithms inside Baccarat Cheater spit out your next...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 20, 2013
ON SALE FOR $1.49 FOR A LIMITED TIME! One win and you'll win your app money back! There's so much to gain!Be a winner at the roulette table using Roulette Cheater. Just enter in numbers that the ball falls on and the complex algorithms inside Roulette Cheater spit out the most likely...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: November 20, 2013
★☆게임 설명☆★80년대 플로리다에서 벌어지는 본격 갱스터 라이프.화려한 번화가와 오래된 슬럼가를 넘나드는 진정한 방랑자가 될 수 있습니다!기쁨과 좌절은 종이 한 장 차이, 도시를 장악하라! 체험하라! 그리고...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 18, 2013
A handtastic puzzle that leaves no hand behind! Full of charm, innovation and originality, but very easy to learn! Starts off as enjoyably mellow, with the later levels offering a perky challenge for those who yearn it.REVIEWS"Just open [Google Play] and download Joining Hands. You will have...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 18, 2013
Build your very own village in the magical world of Kalevala!REVIEWS"If you are looking for one of the best Match-3 games, give Heroes of Kalevala a look. You won’t be able to stop playing!" 5/5 mobiltechreview "Beautiful soundtrack; highly addictive gameplay; interesting mix of...
Version: 1.2.7 APK - Updated: November 18, 2013
”Some people just jog in the wrong place at the wrong time.” - Coach GoremanNow with Google Play leaderboards and achievements!REVIEWS & HIGHLIGHTS- In endless runner Top 5 in Quality Index iPhone ranking"For a small game like this, it’s quite impressive that you can get so much from...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: November 18, 2013
Nova tekmo-3 možganov teaser od ustvarjalcev Azkend! Vzemite si čas in se sprostite z untimed puzzle igri iz sveta Azkend 2: Svetovni Beneath.Puzkend je svež prevzeti znano tekmo-3 igre. V Puzkend igralec preprosto potrebuje, da bi našli tekmo vseh figur na krovu. Po čem se razlikuje, je...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 14, 2013
Bring the celebration of seasons back to the Fairytale Kingdom! Join forces with the Snow Queen and Princesses of Seasons to battle the despotic Prince January and save the Fairytale Kingdom from eternal winter! Solve clever puzzles to vanquish the forces of evil! Dazzle your senses with exciting...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
Na ulici so težave in vaše orožje je rit! Poslušaj, študent: Vsak ima srčni utrip. Za nekatere je iskanje denarja, druge pa poganja moč, in veliko več utripov je manj jasnih. Vsi ti ritmi se prekrivajo, vendar hrup mesta ni pomemben za Ameriko Jonesa. Amerika skrbi za dve stvari ......
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
Всеми известная и полюбившееся ещё в школьные годы тетрадная игра «Ход Конём». Благодаря которой скучные уроки пролетали не заметно, а листы в клеточку...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
Igrajmo se spomina s Pippi Longstocking in njenimi prijatelji! Vsebuje šest različnih načinov igre: pomnilnik slike, spomin na Južno morje, pomnilnik številk, zvočni pomnilnik, funkcijski pomnilnik in vznemirljivi pomnilnik pomnilnika! Igrajte sami, s prijateljem ali proti računalniškemu...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
# 1 Najbolj priljubljeno novo plačljivo aplikacijo na Google Play!Od Nagrajena studio, ki vam prinesla veliko RPG je Ravensword: The Fallen Kingin Aralon: Sword in senc, prihajaRAVENSWORD: Shadowlands RPG.Ravensword prinaša neverjetne vizualne do RPG in pustolovske igrežanr. Raziščite veliko...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 07, 2013
Help the ghostly inhabitants of a haunted house as you venture into the beyond and discover the secret of the 6th ghost! Mysteriously summoned to a house you have seen only in your nightmares, you will encounter the dark and inscrutable Nathan and help the ghosts held captive there in Age of...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
This app is an excellent tool for schoolchildren to practise their mental maths, work on their short-term memory, and improve their concentration!Every chain calculation begins with a normal exercise (e.g. "1+3"). You must remember the answer because another operation will follow (e.g....
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 03, 2013