Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 9.4.1 APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Počutite se kot pravi Bball Mindset Allstar košarkarski trener in upravljate svojo ekipo s košarkarskim trenerjem do Glory - 9/10 - New Basketball Coach 2 Pro je dejanje režije in strategiranja vedenja Pro košarke Ekipni ali individualni igralec košarice. Novi košarkarski...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! Pyramid is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your Pyramid Solitaire scores with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Welcome to the amazing world of solitaire! Golf is one of the most played patience games in the world. Now you can enjoy it anytime, and anywhere, on your mobile phone or tablet. Share your Golf Solitaire scores with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.From Odesys, the makers of the best...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Bass Cat je zasnovan tako, da študentom vseh starosti pomaga naučiti se hitro prepoznati note na basu.Obstaja 80 zabavnih stopenj, ki postajajo postopno bolj zahtevne.Ta aplikacija je nastala v sodelovanju s profesionalnimi glasbeniki in vzgojitelji.Zabaven način, da se začetniki lotijo...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: October 27, 2018
Ant Runner Run! is runner game. You need to dodge many obstacles, keeping energy and run to finish line for beat the stage. Beat all stages to end the game.Features: - Story : You can play and finish the game. - Stage : 40+ challenge stages. - Item : shoes, clock and sugar, it useful to...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 25, 2018
Card ROM will reveal the card you or your spectator thought of from a deck of 52 playing cards.To make it more memorable, you may use any deck of playing cards to shuffle and select a card.Show the app to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.You do not have to practice any complicated moves to use...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
FillDoku is a logic puzzle that forms a picture when completed. It is similar to minesweeper - there's a grid with numbers as clues and you figure out which squares should be filled in.This form of puzzle is sometimes known as Nurie, Nampre, Mosaik, Japanese Mosaic, Count and Darken, or...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
Heart Failure Coach je igra za vključevanje pacientov, ki jo vodijo člani zdravstvene ekipe, kjer igralci komunicirajo s Simonom, likom s kongestivnim srčnim popuščanjem (CHF), ki so ga pred kratkim izpustili iz bolnišnice in ga vodijo. Igra se osredotoča na krepitev kritičnih veščin...
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
Backflip Madness je hitra ekstremna športna igra s priokusom parkourja. Vaš cilj je preprost - naredite ogromno spektakularnih trikov in podvigov. Peljite ga do skrajnosti!Lastnosti:- Več preobratov nazaj in lokacij- Parkour/akrobacije v prostem teku- Realistična fizika in simulacija ragdoll-...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
Zabavna puzzle igra za malčke in otroke starosti od 1 do 6 let s 16 avtomobili in gradbenimi vozili, kot so dirkalni avtomobil, policijski avtomobil, šolski avtobus, traktor, gasilski stroj, reševalna služba, smetnjak, bager, transmixer, buldožer in še več v 20 oblike in tangram uganke!To je...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
A fun puzzle game for toddlers and kids from ages 1 to 6 featuring 16 cartoon transports such as train, plane, jet, helicopter, ship, boat, submarine, locomotive and more in 20 shape & tangram puzzles! This is the school edition. The content is the same as the original version, but allows...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
Animal Puzzle for Kids is an fun animal puzzles game for kids and toddlers from ages 1 to 6 featuring 26 cute cartoon animals such as cow, horse, goat, sheep, pig, dog, elephant, giraffe, monkey, lion, dolphin, owl, rhinoceros, zebra, parrot, tiger, turtle and more animals in 30 shape & tangram...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
Fun fairy puzzles game for toddlers and kids from ages 1 to 6 featuring many cute cartoon fairy tale figures such as a forest fairy and her animal friends, a mermaid and her underwater friends, the ice queen, alice playing tea party, a fairy riding her unicorn pony and more in 29 shape &...
Version: 3.15.5 APK - Updated: October 23, 2018
APP STORE'S BEST GAME OF 2012APP STORE'S BEST NEW GAME OF 2012APP STORE'S IPHONE APP OF THE WEEKChosen Apple Store's Best Game of 2012, Aworded is an addictive word game that has already exceeded 20 million downloads. Challenge your friends and enjoy yourself by making words! You...
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: October 23, 2018
Letite (in strmoglavite!) vse, kar želite, ne glede na dež, veter, žled ali sneg.Podpira letenje v prvi osebi (FPV) in v pogledu (LOS).Podpira samonivelirni in akro način ter 3D način (za obrnjeno letenje).Vključuje šest kulise in generator skladb, ki lahko samodejno ustvari milijone...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: October 23, 2018
Мобильное приложение "Кругозор Pro" - это викторина для детей и взрослых.Мы все учились понемногу чему-нибудь и как-нибудь...А как на счет проверки ваших знаний и...
Version: 1.92 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
Make Words or Die! is a word anagram scramble game with a colorful indie art style. It rewards vocabulary and speed, as every word made helps to keep back the approaching horde of Moldies!* Story mode 50 levels* Endless survival mode* 4 difficulties for all ages and ability* Challenge and Boss...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
Ghostemane Pentacles 1.5 is a unique marathon style retro game. @Ghostemane & @Rapsmyinitials bring you a simple & addictive endless challenge. Tap once anywhere on the screen or double tap again anywhere on the screen to land on platforms without falling below!Look out for the Demon's...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
Dobrodošli v tihi globini, prvi pravi 3d simulaciji podmornice za mobilne naprave. Kot pripadnik tihe službe ameriške mornarice prevzamete poveljstvo podmornice razreda Gato / Balao in nadaljujete s podaljšanim patruljiranjem v nevarnih vodah Tihega oceana v drugi svetovni vojni. Vaša naloga...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
Jaz (mobilne inteligenčne igre) Vprašanje, ki ga prinesete s seboj , je ena izmed najbolj zabavnih in najbolj jasnih iger na Švedskem. Zdaj sem jaz za Android. Enaka izkušnja kot igranje klasičnega vprašanja s 700 trenutnimi švedskimi vprašanji. me je najbolj zabavno igrati skupaj in R,...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
MIG (Mobile Intelligence Games) - Frågespelet du tar med digMIG är ett av Sveriges roligaste och mest sålda frågespel. Nu finns MIG för Android. Samma upplevelse som att spela ett klassiskt frågespel med över 700 aktuella svenska frågor. MIG är roligast att spela tillsammans och är gjort...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
MIG (Mobile Intelligence Games) - Frågespelet du tar med digMIG är ett av Sveriges roligaste och mest sålda frågespel. Nu finns MIG för Android. Samma upplevelse som att spela ett klassiskt frågespel med 700 aktuella svenska frågor. MIG är roligast att spela tillsammans och är gjort för...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
ME (Mobile Intelligence Games) - Vprašanje, ki ga prinesete s seboj , je ena izmed najbolj smešnih in najbolj jasnih iger. Zdaj sem jaz za Android. Enaka izkušnja kot igranje klasičnega vprašanja z več kot 1000 trenutnimi švedskimi vprašanji. me je najbolj zabavno igrati skupaj in R, ki...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
More puzzles to solve, items to use and locations to explore. Another classically styled point and click adventure game utilizing 180 degree views for immersive feeling.
Version: 1.5.61 APK - Updated: October 22, 2018
WWII taktična podmornica boj na vašem Android tablet!Vzemite ukaz U-čoln potikal Atlantik v iskanju sovražnika konvoji potopijo. Skrivaj mimo spremljevalcev in torpeda na transporte. Ali površinske in uporabite svoj krova pištolo v nočnem napadu.Ko so spremljevalci prišel po vas, spustite...
Version: 1.98 APK - Updated: October 20, 2018
Classic British pub game of darts. Play against the computer at three levels, Novice, Semi-Pro or Pro. An easy to play game where you will soon be playing darts like a pro. This game uses the recognised standard rules of playing darts where you finish on a double.
Version: 2.0.7 APK - Updated: October 20, 2018
• TOP 5 APP • predstavljenih PO SVETU, ki jih Apple •• DREAM IT. BUILD IT. UPORABI. DELI •Plovni objekt, svojo pištolo in tekmovati proti prijateljem, tvoji sovražniki, ali kdorkoli na svetu v strelskem tekmovanju v virtualni resničnosti!• INSTANT MULTIPLAYER •Z našo izključno...
Version: 2.2.5 APK - Updated: October 20, 2018
Ken’s Pub Quiz will test your knowledge of everything until your head hurts! As featured in "Apps Magazine" (issue 32), take part in a Pub Crawl cruising from bar to bar answering multiple choice questions with increasing difficulty. Can you make it to the last bar?There are over 3000...
Version: 1.6.4 APK - Updated: October 19, 2018
[ Lastnosti ]Lovec na demone je akcijska fantazijska igra za eno igro.Osredotočen na udarce, streljanje in nadzor, ne podpira samodejnega predvajanja.6 znakov [paladin], [Borec], [Lokostrelec], [Lovec], [Čarovnica] & [???], vključno z.[ Jezikovna podpora ]Angleščina, 日本語,...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 19, 2018
Če bi imeli moč, kako bi ustvarili sončni sistem? Katere planete ali zvezde bi izbrali? Kako bi jih postavili v orbito? Vas zanima astronomija in iščete zmogljivo, a enostavno za uporabo 3d simulacijsko igro peskovnika za ustvarjanje in simulacijo povsem nove galaksije z realnimi fizikalnimi...