Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 18, 2018
Guessing sounds has never been so much fun, with over 140 child-sorted tunes such as animals, instruments, household sounds and more. For each sound the child listens to, they will have to choose the answer between 4 images, your child only has to touch the drawing to know if they guesses the...
Version: 2.0.25 APK - Updated: October 18, 2018
Outrun the law as a Racer in supercars like the Pagani Zonda Cinque – or stop racers cold as a Cop in high-speed police interceptors like the Lamborghini Reventon. Experience pulse-pounding action as you make the escape – or make the bust – with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit™ on Android.CHASE...
Version: 1.6.10 APK - Updated: October 18, 2018
Uspeli ste se izogniti zemlji, ki je neplodna pred vojskovanjem in onesnaževanjem. Morate voditi svoje ljudi, da ustvarijo novo mesto na novem planetu. Ali lahko ustvarite popolno kraljestvo, ki presega nenehno krizo? Vaše mesto! - Nadaljujte z izzivom! Prejemite lahko bonus spretnosti za...
Version: 1.0.13 APK - Updated: October 18, 2018
Začnite svojo kariero kot trener-upravljavec v Handball Manager Pro (Editor Editor! Brez dodajanja!) Izberite eno od 92 svetovnih ekip v 5 različnih ligah, podpišite dobre brezplačne agente, delajte in prodajate in prodajate igralce, vlagajo in vlagajo in vlagajo in vlagajo. Če želite...
Version: 1.6.77 APK - Updated: October 17, 2018
Download the Crazy Eights Gold card game app from LITE Games now and start playing right away. Completely in English without any ingame-advertising and perfect for on the go!With its many variations, Crazy Eights is without doubt the world’s most popular card game. To win you’ll need the right...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 17, 2018
This is a full game version of the zombie dice. A player can choose to play against a robot zombie, or with another player. Players are racing to score 13 brains and playing in turn. Options for sound effects or changing racing score to win are provided. During a turn, a player draws and rolls 3...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 17, 2018
Your mission: colonize the galaxy. Warning: things are gonna get weird...• All ships UNLOCKED• All galactic gizmos UNLOCKED• Orbiting Planets mode• Changeable game speed• Updates get you new ships and gizmos unlocked, ready-to-play• Early access to updates• No in-app purchases• No...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 17, 2018
Your favorite table game at the casino is now available for your phone! In Baccarat, hands are dealt to the banker and player. You bet on which hand will win, or bet on a tie and win 8 times your money! Included instructions explain everything else. Sometimes known as Bacarat, Bacarrat, or...
Version: 1.8.1 APK - Updated: October 17, 2018
A classic breakout game but a little bit different.This game goes into depth.Here you must destroy the bricks in a 3D room, like a squash court with a window at the front. But mostly with no floor ;-).The aim of the game is to destroy all (transparent) bricks by hitting them with the ball or with a...
Version: 5.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2018
Pozabite vse o teh tekmo-3, mahjong, domine, in spomin igre,Prehod 4 jih vse premaga!Kraj ploščice na krovu, da se ujema z barvo ali simbol sosednjih ploščic zaustvariti "odlomke" od roba do roba.Opravljene vrstice in stolpci ( "deli") izginili iz krovu.Prehod 4 je enostaven...
Version: 5.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2018
Pozabili na tiste, tekmo-3, mahjong, domine in spominske igre,Passage 4 premaga vse!Postavite ploščice na krovu, da se ujema z barvo ali simbol sosednjih ploščic zaustvariti "odlomke" od roba do roba.Dodelana vrstic in stolpcev ("prehodov") izgine iz krovu.Passage 4 je...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: October 15, 2018
Solitaire razvil ... dobrodošli na Xolitaire Xtreme.- Uživajte v več kot 200 edinstvenih iger.- Izbirate lahko med 4 različnimi postavitvami za vsako igro.- Prilagodite videz iz različnih temah, ali oblikujete svoje lastne.- Vsaka igra beleži vsak statistiko si lahko predstavljaš.- Izberite...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: October 15, 2018
Uživajte Euchre proti računalniku v HD. Bogate grafiko in gladko animacijo izboljšanje vaše igre-play izkušnjo v 3D. Funkcije vključujejo:- Nagne za vsako orientacijo, na kateri koli velikosti mobilni telefon ali tablični računalnik- Dve računalnik nasprotnik ravni usposobljenosti-...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: October 15, 2018
Uživajte Cribbage proti računalniku v HD. Bogata grafika in animacija gladko izboljšajo vaše game-play izkušnjo v 3D. Funkcije vključujejo:- Zaprta za vsako orientacijo, na kateri koli velikosti mobilni telefon ali tablični računalnik- dve ravni računalnik nasprotnik v kvalifikacijah-...
Version: 1.4.5 APK - Updated: October 15, 2018
Uživajte v več kot 150 solitaire igre v HD. Bogate grafiko in gladko animacijo izboljšanje vaše igre-play izkušnjo v 3D. Tukaj je le nekaj od mnogih iger, vključenih: Pekovski Dozen, obleganem gradu, Canfield, Eight off, Flower Garden, Štirideset Tatovi, Kralj, Golf, Klondike, La Belle...
Version: 2.0.9 APK - Updated: October 15, 2018
*** Polna različica vključuje Mission Pack, rezultat multiplikator in ad Prosti za $ 1,99 USD popusta ****** Full version ne vsebuje in-app nakupe. Vodja svet je ločen od Free verzijo, da ostane pošten ***80 poslanstvo, 8 izziv šef bori, 60+ edinstvene sovražnike, neskončne ure zabave. Ni...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 14, 2018
Vzlet, in obisk Solitaire Planet. Uživajte cel svet solitaire iger. Escape za minut ali več ur, lahko vedno prišel nazaj za neskončno zabavo. To je iz tega sveta.- Več kot 200 edinstvenih Solitaire igre (glej spletno stran za seznam).- Različne palub visoke ločljivosti kartice, hrbtu in...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 14, 2018
A unique board game 'Flip Game' is here to pass your free time.Key Features:● Single Player● Colorful Graphics.● Game Assistant (Helper)● Sound Effects● Statistics Tracking● Small Size
Version: 9.9.10 APK - Updated: October 14, 2018
To jenajtežje , edinstveno in zasvojenost puzzle igro! Ta igra ne zahteva predhodnega znanja , vendar zahteva ogromno pripomb , veliko potrpljenja in zahtevna duh ! Vsakdo od otrok do odraslih lahko v celoti uživali. To jeigra, ki jo lahko uživate v življenju .Igra ciljOdstraniti dve enaki...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 14, 2018
Blast your way though planes, trains, blimps, tanks and large bosses using a selection of upgradable weaponry.Thunderbolt is a vertically scrolling arcade shooter in the spirit of the old coin-op classics. Shoot and dodge your way through waves of enemies. Grab the power-ups to boost your fire...
Version: 1.40 APK - Updated: October 13, 2018
Igrajte klasično igro Tic Tac Toe z 8 temami, ki jih lahko izbirate! Igrajte se s prijateljem na isti napravi, različne naprave nad lokalnim omrežjem ali posameznim predvajalnikom z izbranimi stopnjami težavnosti. Igrajte se s svojo napravo v portretu ali krajinski orientaciji. tic tac toe...
Version: 4.1.8 APK - Updated: October 12, 2018
Raise the stakes and compete with the elite poker players in the cozy rooms of Celeb Poker. Play you favorite games online whether it is Holdem, Omaha or Omaha Hi/Lo.YOU NEED CASUAL RELAXING ONLINE GAME?•Welcome bonus of $25,000•Free chips daily. Real money gambling makes you pay, while our...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: October 12, 2018
Izobraževalna aplikacija za kitariste, Fretquiz vam omogoča enostavno učenje glasbenih opomb na svoji kitarni fretboard in izboljšate svoje sposobnosti s progresivno, igrivo in poučno metodo, zasnovano za začetnike in otroke, stare 6 in več. Za vsako opombo, vaše učenje je več: -...
Version: 36 APK - Updated: October 12, 2018
Le Tao est le symbole le plus profond et le plus vaste de la culture chinoise, il permet par sa sagesse de guider l'homme par la science de l'oracle. Le Yi King, appelé aussi livre des transformations, est un ancien texte ésotérique texte chinois écrit il y a environ 2500 ans. Il peut...
Version: 2.2.1 APK - Updated: October 11, 2018
Sudoku Samurai comes to Android devices in this beautiful implementation of the popular game. Lose yourself in hours of satisfying sudoku puzzle solving. Beautiful art and music make this game you'll want to relax with when it's time to unwind. A hand-crafted masterpiece by the sudoku...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: October 11, 2018
Crayon Maze is a skill building maze game and letter maze tracing game designed for primarily for toddlers, preschool and kindergarten children, but fun for kids of all ages. Younger children will enjoy learning their ABC's with the very easy alphabet mazes and number mazes that are...
Version: 2.2.1 APK - Updated: October 11, 2018
Sudoku Samurai HD comes to Android devices in this beautiful implementation of the popular game. Lose yourself in hours of satisfying sudoku puzzle solving. Beautiful art and music make this game you'll want to relax with when it's time to unwind. A hand-crafted masterpiece by the sudoku...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: October 11, 2018
Žal ta različica je le japonsko.Mahjong Shanghai je klasična puzzle igro.Lahko igrajo igro s directry dotika zaslona.Ti izbriše ploščice z izbiro ujemanja parov iz kupa ploščic prikazani.To je končni razvoj.Ker dotik vmesnik je najbolj bistveno za Šanghaj.Lahko občutite hitro izbiro...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 11, 2018
Ko odgovorite na prvo vprašanje, ne bo tri mesečna vprašanja. Na izpitu se bo prikazal v 3 minutah po tem, ko boste napačni. Ko boste pravilno odgovorili na težavo, bodo vprašanja po eni uri. Potem , ko se bo pravilen odgovor na težavo pojavil na izpitu po 24 urah. Potem, ko se bo po...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 11, 2018
It is a total of 80 stage puzzle & action game.A puzzle mode that breaks all targets with the number of beam firing restricted.There is an action mode to beat all the enemies appearing on the stage.Since it is possible to select a stage, skipping can be skipped and playing is also...