Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: May 09, 2018
주의 - 설치오류가 발생하면 물리적으로 SD카드를 잠시 해제한 후 설치해주세요.(용량이 부족할 경우 설치가 안될 수 있습니다.)기기이상이나 본 프로그램 오류로 인한 문의사항은 문의하기를 이용해주세요.덧글로 문의 하실...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: May 08, 2018
Potrjeni s starši in učitelji, Pocket Sight Words je zabavna aplikacija za učenje pismenosti za otroke, stare 4, vključno z malčki, vrtec in predšolskimi šolarji. Funkcija Uporaba pravilne izgovorjave kratki stavki (napisani učitelji vrtca) zagotavljajo dodano kontekstualno učenje ...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 08, 2018
Z na novo dodanim mikrofonom se lahko pogovorite s svojim malim malčkom in si ogledate, kako reagira vaš dojenček. {#{ No, tukaj je tvoja priložnost z mojim majhnim dojenčkom Treve za vse mame, mlade in stare! Nenadoma imate nov prihod in tam se vam z veseljem smeji. Zdaj je vse do vas,...
Version: 2.7 APK - Updated: May 08, 2018
The collection of adventures of the Bonte cat who likes to play hide-and-seek:- Where is cat?Find and tap on the black cat hidden in each room of the house and then find all the different items the cats wants for a little surprise at the end...A game suitable for children from 5 years to people...
Version: 1.8.459 APK - Updated: May 07, 2018
Pridite raziskati ogromno galaksijo s tisoče drugih igralcev v tej resnični 3D MMORPG, ki v prostoru. Prilagodite svojo vesoljsko ladjo, na trgovino med postajami, bitka pirati ali postanejo sami. Odločite se za boj proti drugim igralcem, ali sodelujejo s prijatelji potiskajo nazaj skrivnostno...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: May 07, 2018
A new fun way to learn math for children aged 4 to 8. It’s just like having your own private teacher helping, encouraging and correcting. Even toddlers learn quickly to add and subtract, helping ´daddy baker’ produce cookies in time for Christmas. YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN: -to gradually improve...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: May 04, 2018
"Alphabet Kids : Letters Writing Games" The game has line works, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers. Appropriate characters in each drawing chased letters, spelling aspects of the work to be felt. There are 4 parts in the game. It uses Montessori education's discovery...
Version: 1.0.90 APK - Updated: May 04, 2018
Chroma Squad is a tactical RPG about five stunt actors who decide to quit their jobs and start their own Power Rangers-inspired TV show! Cast actors, purchase equipment and upgrades for your studio, craft weapons and giant Mechas out of cardboard and duct tape. Once the cameras are rolling, you...
Version: 4.0.8 APK - Updated: May 03, 2018
Ste že kdaj imeli priložnost, da lahko na sejmu uporabite svojo vožnjo? Verjetno ne ... zdaj lahko to doživite na svojem pametnem telefonu ali tabličnem računalniku z novim simulatorjem Funfair Ride 3. Zdaj s še bolj realistično in boljšo HD grafiko, novimi funkcijami in simuliranim...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 03, 2018
Keep your mind healthy, test your mental math and exercise your brain once a day.It's a simple math game.Math exercises (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication). What's the difference between the free and paid version?* Removal of advertising.
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 03, 2018
Keep your mind healthy, test your mental math and exercise your brain once a day.It's a hard math game.Math exercises (square, square root, factorial and find an arithmetic rule). What's the difference between the free and paid version?* Removal of advertising.
Version: 2.2.2 APK - Updated: May 02, 2018
How good is your reading?Discover your reading level and find out what you need to learn to improve.Swim with Nessy and explore 10 levels - 100 questions!The more levels you unlock the more Wee Nessies you will collect.* 3 saved players* Develops fluency, vocabulary and comprehension* Save and...
Version: 1.0.6r1-GoogleVR APK - Updated: May 02, 2018
Tower prekršek se srečuje z virtualno resničnostjo! igrač za igrače je igra prekrška, s katero lahko premagate svoj sovražni stolp, medtem ko se zaščitite pred njihovimi napadi. Dominirate na bojišču s svojo strategijo z vodenjem enot igrač in z uporabo močne magije. Na koncu igre...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: May 02, 2018
Pro različica brez oglasov!3D izvedba klasične matematične uganke "The Tower of Hanoi". Cilj je, da se premaknete stolp iz prve pol do zadnjega, kar samo en korak naenkrat in brez dajanja večji disk na vrhu manjši enega.Poskusite rešiti v minimalno število potez,...
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: May 01, 2018
다양한 아이템과 전설의 보물Various items and legendary treasures.그리고 모험가의 명예를 상징하는 호칭!And the title that symbolizes the honor of adventurers!탭 할때마다 느껴지는 짜릿한 타격감! A great sense of feel every time you hit tab!여러분을...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 30, 2018
Za sledenje in dodajanje igro belot 16 krogov. Točke se izračuna iz nasprotnika in skupni rezultat, ko uporabljate štetje gumb ". To je prav na dnu. Na majhnih ali medsektorske potekala zaslonih boste morali pomakniti na ta gumb.Uporabite gumb "Počisti", da počistite vnesene...
Version: 5.07 APK - Updated: April 29, 2018
Will your clever strategy be smart enough to beat your friends?This game is similar to Sequence , Double Series , One-Eyed Jack and Jack Foolery.Jacks Gone Wild is a MULTI-PLAYER game of strategy optimized for smart-phones and tablets. This is the full version with no ads. Invite other players or...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: April 29, 2018
- 오픈 기념: 게임 내 골드 지급(5만원 상당)업데이트 기념: 채찍 20개업데이트: 캐릭터 이미지 문제와 조명으로 인한 렉 현상 해결 하였습니다.감사합니다.레벨x, 진화x, 초월x 등 복잡한 시스템이 없습니다.간단하게 즐기고...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 28, 2018
The world is in danger, and we need you to learn German.German Spy is a language learning game that introduces a unique approach to learning the German language. Learning new words and phrases has never been this much fun. Download this app now and be amazed at how much you can learn when you’re...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: April 28, 2018
Welcome to the Times Tables Shuffle application. This app consists of a series of self-checking multiplication and division puzzles. It provides for students, mainly of elementary and middle schools, a novel and exciting way to practice, apply, and reinforce their multiplication and division skills...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 28, 2018
Roguelike meets RPG meets Puzzle game in Dungeon Ascendance!Not played before? Try before you buy: Free version available! (link below)Choose one of twelve brave heroes then conquer a dungeon filled with monsters and loot! Use a tactical mixture of abilities, items, spells and cold, hard steel to...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 27, 2018
Welcome to Bone City! Meet the Dibidogs, play fascinating memory games and learn English words at the same time – without even noticing that you are learning.While playing Dibidogs memory games, you not only get a lot of fun, but also gradually improve your memory, attention and concentration.The...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: April 27, 2018
Komodo 11 je zadnja izdaja tega nagrajenega šahovskega motorja. Komodo 11 je izboljšanje v vseh prejšnjih različicah Komodo in podpira večjedrne procesorje (32- in 64-bitni) in tabele končnih iger. Pred nakupom: Upoštevajte, da Komodo 11 za Android zahteva šahovski GUI (za priporočila,...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
Skriti predmeti Mystic Fantasy je najnovejši žanr v skritih igrah objektov! naletite na več kot 20 različnih, krasnih, podrobnih, fantazijskih svetov, kjer lahko pobegnete, sprostite in igrate čudovito, privlačno skrito igro. fantazijske kulise in pokrajine čeljusti padajo krasno in...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
Cribbage je igra s kartami, kjer dva igralca poskušata doseči točke z oblikovanjem kombinacij kart. Prva oseba, ki je dosegla 121 točk, je zmagala! Enostavna uporaba kontrol in podrobna navodila naredijo to igro zabavno za vse ravni izkušenj in starosti. Oglejte si zaslon za dosežke, kjer...
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
Naj igra bit! učenje bit je učenje osnovnega programiranja! Ali veste, kako računalniki štejejo številke? #} Mastering BinaryDigits in Hexadecimal bi bilo zabavno med igranjem vznemirljivih iger z uporabo 4-bitnega vzorca! vadnica -Naša maskota, Bitrobo vam bo dal preprosto in kratko...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
Igrajte BEST domine igro za Android še danes!Uživajte preproste užitke tej klasični igri na vse vaše naprave Android. Igrajte 3 klasične načine igre (Muggins, Block in Draw) proti pametno računalniškega nasprotnika. Teme po meri in ozadja zaokrožujejo to spektakularno igro.• Muggins,...
Version: 1.46d APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
A combination of education and fun times for your toddler, "Kids Dinosaur Games" is designed to offer hours of fun with the added benefit of learning for your kids.With this game your search ends for the ultimate educational game out there which offers both a fun pastime and the...
Version: 2.12 APK - Updated: April 26, 2018
「ブレイジング ソウルズ...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: April 25, 2018
Vnesite čarobni svet čudovitih vrtov v skritih predmetih: skrivnostni vrtovi! nad 16 edinstvenimi in podrobni vrtovi za raziskovanje in iskanje skritih predmetov. prizori so tako podrobni, čarobni in čudoviti! Predmeti, ki jih najdete, vključujejo starine, zlate kovance, ptice, metulje,...