Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 03, 2018
Napredni odprtokodni emulator PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 (PCE & TG16), ki temelji na Mednafenu z minimalističnim uporabniškim vmesnikom in poudarkom na nizki avdio/video zakasnitvi, podpira široko paleto naprav od originalne Xperia Play do sodobnih naprav, kot je Nvidia Telefoni Shield in...
Version: 9 APK - Updated: March 03, 2018
Gravity Gerbil je preprosta in zasvojenost z mobilno igro za vsakogar, kadarkoli! Vaš dobronamerni zdravnik vam je podaril moč za nadzor gravitacije. Kaj bi storili z nadzorom nad temeljno silo? Če je vaš odgovor krmarjenje po smrtonosnih tečajih ovir, vodite naročila in varajte na pustnih...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: March 02, 2018
In the scorched wasteland speed is all that matters!Apocalypse Rider is a VR arcade motorcycle game where you must prevail the high-speed wasteland roads, avoid the hostile traffic and keep surviving, speeding and RIDING!• 20 levels of pure VR adrenaline• 5 motorcycles available with dozens of...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: March 01, 2018
You are the captain of a fishing boat on an 5 day trip, follow the map and try to beat all the creatures and mini-challenges to make it to the end of the voyage. There are things to help you on your trip, but watch out, as day turns to night the sharks really start to get hungry … and there are...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: February 27, 2018
Sherlock is a computerized version of logic puzzles, where you're presented with a series of clues that help you to determine the exact locations of all of the images on the playing board. The puzzles are all 4x4, 5x5 or 6x6. Each row of the playing board contains images of the same type...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: February 27, 2018
Sherlock is a computerized version of logic puzzles, where you're presented with a series of clues that help you to determine the exact locations of all of the images on the playing board. The puzzles are all 4x4, 5x5 or 6x6. Each row of the playing board contains images of the same type...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: February 27, 2018
Sherlock je računalniška različica logičnih ugank, kjer ste se predstavili z vrsto indicev, ki vam pomagajo določiti natančne lokacije vseh slik na igralno ploščo. Uganke so vse 4x4, 5x5 ali 6x6. Vsaka vrstica igralno ploščo vsebuje slike istega tipa (obrazi, hiše, številke, sadje,...
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: February 27, 2018
Vloga, ki se ukvarjajo z denarjem, ki je bil razvit mojster Dennis. Ta aplikacija je v skladu s šestih najpogostejših iger za otroke do ukvarjajo z denarjem. Otroci se lahko naučijo dodati zneske, polog gotovine, glej cene cenike in izračunati, koliko denarja je treba dati nazaj.Plačan...
Version: 1.4.5 APK - Updated: February 26, 2018
In this eagerly anticipated sequel of the game “Clouds & Sheep”, the cute sheep are finally on the loose again! Solve countless quests and fulfill your wooly friends’ needs. Plant grass, flowers, trees and shear your animals’ different-colored wool to stock up your resources! Collect...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: February 22, 2018
USA Quiz helps you to check your Knowledge in USA History **AD free Version Of Usa Quiz ***3 Modes of QUIZ History Quiz President Quiz Random Quiz ***27 Levels ***More than 500 Questions With Answers
Version: 1.34 APK - Updated: February 21, 2018
Izzivajte dedek v igri Cribbage in preverite, ali lahko končno detronirate kralje Cribbage King! Funkcija: Intuitiven in enostaven za uporabo vmesnika Odlične grafike in igranje iger velike kartice in gumbe Za majhne telefone ali velike prste Podrobno in natančno število štetja prikazuje...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 20, 2018
Naredite veliko skakalcev na dolge razdalje, kot si lahko v tej klasični tri točke shootout. Ali imate kar je potrebno, da knock 'em navzdol od mesta navzdol?Na voljo je tudi brezplačna (ad podpira) različica tega izdelka
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: February 19, 2018
* Ta igra je nezdružljiva z Androidom 10 in je brez podpore. Na žalost nimamo načrtov za posodobitev. Cenimo vaše razumevanje. Posebna cena 38% popusta (7,99 USD -> 4,99 USD) !!! Pokličite djinns in se dvignite na revolucijo! PocketGamer - Akcijski RPG s svežim plaščem barve To so...
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: February 18, 2018
Honeycomb Hotel je igra logike in odbitka. Različica Zen zagotavlja 144000 uganke, 48000 v vsaki od malih, srednjih in velikih velikosti. Cilj vsakega sestavljanke je ugotoviti umestitve slik v satja (do 37 različnih celic na velikih ugank) in določiti natančno pot, ki teče skozi vsako celico...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 18, 2018
Honeycomb Hotel is a game of logic and deduction. The Pro version provides 600 puzzles, 200 in each of small, medium, and large sizes. The goal of each puzzle is to determine the placements of images within the honeycomb (up to 37 different cells on the large puzzles) and to determine the exact...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 17, 2018
Help place the doors in the rooms of the bunker so that Willa has a good place to walk!Willa's Walk is a puzzle of logic. It provides 30 puzzles in each of 20 sizes or types, for a total of 600 puzzles. The goal of each puzzle is to determine the correct location for two doors in each room. All...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 17, 2018
Solitile is a game of solitaire, played with "tiles". The goal of the game is to remove pairs of matched tiles until all of the tiles have been removed. The game derives from several similar games, such as "Shanghai", "Gunshy", and "Mahjongg", which are...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 17, 2018
Solitile is a game of solitaire, played with "tiles". The goal of the game is to remove pairs of matched tiles until all of the tiles have been removed. The game derives from several similar games, such as "Shanghai", "Gunshy", and "Mahjongg", which are...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 17, 2018
Solitile is a game of solitaire, played with "tiles". The goal of the game is to remove pairs of matched tiles until all of the tiles have been removed. The game derives from several similar games, such as "Shanghai", "Gunshy", and "Mahjongg", which are...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: February 17, 2018
A game made for children from ages 5 to 8. It was successfully tested by children with autism.Your child will learn numbers from 1 to 20, he/she will learn counting, addition and subtraction. Audio and textual clues are available for each mini-game. Show the game to your child, explain him/her how...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 17, 2018
Pomagali postaviti vrata v prostorih bunkerja, tako da ima Willa dober kraj za sprehod!Willa je Walk je puzzle logike. To zagotavlja 750 ugank v vsaki od 20 velikosti ali vrste, za skupaj 15.000 uganke. Cilj vsakega sestavljanke je določiti pravo mesto za dvoje vrat v vsaki sobi. Vse sobe biti...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: February 16, 2018
Demetrios is a quirky adventure game packed with tons of humor! Bjorn Thonen, a slob of an antique dealer living in Paris, is robbed one night after coming home drunk. Forced to conduct his own investigation with the help of his neighbor Sandra, he ends up involved in a murky, mysterious affair....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 14, 2018
This version of the game is full (all missions are available). The game belongs to the genre of Tower Defense. Goal of the game: retention onrushing enemy. There are many types of turrets with different properties. Almost all of them have 10 levels. You can change the priority for each of...
Version: 3.0.9 APK - Updated: February 13, 2018
Par 72 Golf je 3D golf igra, ki predstavlja tri 18 lukenj tečaje, določene v gorskih, puščavi, in obmorskih okoljih.Značilnosti:- Neusmiljeno računalniški nasprotniki.- Hills, voda, valoviti čistin, pesek pasti, in vzporedno zelenice.- Izbira moški ali ženski predvajalnika.- Najboljši...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 12, 2018
The old, inventive Pettson who lives with Findus - his impudent tomcat - on his little farm out of the way in the wide Swedish landscape. Pettson and Findus master together with their ten white hens the weekday and experience numerous funny and existing adventures. And on Pettsons barnyard is a lot...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: February 11, 2018
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: February 11, 2018
Pridite, pomagajte svojim prijateljem dinozavrov pobeg! Zaklenjeni so bili v kletkah, raztreseni po pokrajini in računajo na vas in Tyrannosaurus Rex, da bi jih osvobodili! Otroci so se skupaj s T-Rexom odpravili na potovanje po državi, da bi rešili te prijatelje dinozavrov! V tej igri so...
Version: 3.3.1 APK - Updated: February 09, 2018
A fun classic rock music trivia quiz brimming with questions about the greatest rock music ever created - from the 60s, 70s and 80s including the best-selling artists of all time such as Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, The Who, Guns N' Roses, Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Queen, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue,...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: February 09, 2018
RunGunJumpGun is a tough as nails game that puts a gravity-defying weapon in your hands. One button lets you fly, the other blasts obstacles out of the way. With a cast of crazed characters, challenging gameplay, and a pulsing musical score, it delivers twitchy platforming goodness.- “You’d be...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 08, 2018
Civil War: 1861 zajema uvodne bitke ameriške državljanske vojne. Igra zajema tako majhnih in velikih dejanj te ogromne leta, začenši z bitke pri "Big Betel ', na na razmeroma velike posle na" Bull Run "in" Wilson Creek ".Leta 1861 sta obe strani veliko prostovoljnih...