Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: January 11, 2018
原始的不可能的公路游戏。{#} {#}不可能的道路是关于风险,奖励和过山车的纯粹,最小的街机游戏。 {#} {#} 9/10 -Edge Magazine {#} 4.5星 - TouchArcade {#}本周游戏 - PocketGamer {#}...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: January 10, 2018
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 10, 2018
这个泡泡游戏可能会上瘾,但玩肯定很有趣。通过气泡的旋转字段爆炸。{#} {#}有3个难度级别,再加上一个自定义级别,因此它对每个年龄段都具有挑战性。{#}...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: January 09, 2018
智能手机和平板电脑的最佳拼图拼图应用程序 - 当然来自Ravensburger。 {#} {#} {#}...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: January 09, 2018
The “Comprehension Builder” app builds skills in passage comprehension, working memory and answering multiple choice questions about a text.When using “Comprehension Builder”, your learner will first read a passage. The learner must then hold the information in memory in order to answer a...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: January 09, 2018
Lunaform is a puzzle arcade game like breakout, but instead of destroying all of the blocks your trying to fill them up. Swap the hexes just in time to catch stars of the same color, and fill up the grid to complete the level. Sounds easy at first, but later on increasingly complex star patterns...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: January 07, 2018
滑动!是一款滑板街机游戏,它可以带您作为溜冰者的滑冰运动员,在送货服务公司中担任快递员。 {#} {#}您所需要的只是完成轨道而不碰到任何障碍并安全地发送包裹,因此您不会被公司踢出! {#}...
Version: 1.0.22 APK - Updated: January 07, 2018
In this game, your ship is under attack submarine flotilla. Enemy submarines using torpedoes that would win this naval battle and send you to feed the fish. Three hits is enough, what they might have succeeded.Answer them the same! Rain down them deep mines, bombs, and incinerate them by rays of...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
Version: 2.0.7 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
A Gorgeous 8-Bit inspired game! Welcome to Geeliah! Explore 8 Gorgeous retro 8-bit landscapes inspired by the classic pixel art of Realm of the mad god (rotmg) with loads of fun quests, role play in many adventures!Your quest begins as a small hero who wishes to be king! But what happens when he...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
Auf ins Land der Zahlen ist mehr als eine Lern- oder Übungs-App. Auf ins Land der Zahlen ist eine pädagogisch durchdachte Lern-App, verpackt in einem wundervollen Hörbuch mit pädagogisch wertvollen Spielen. Sie führt Ihr Kind in die Welt der Mathematik ein. Es geht nicht um Üben sondern um...
Version: 1.23 APK - Updated: January 04, 2018
Metamorphabet is a playful, interactive alphabet for all ages. Poke, prod, drag, and spin each of the 26 letters of the alphabet to reveal surprising and luminous transformations. • Over 90 words, each pronounced in a clear, gentle voice• Responsive, easy-to-use interface is ideal for kids•...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: January 04, 2018
Please Note: This is a Scottish Gaelic version of Wordumz, the english variant of the game has been added in this latest release.If you want the Irish and spanish versions as well please install "Wordumz" instead.If you want to test out Wordumz gameplay and want to see how it looks on...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: January 02, 2018
数字Yahtzee得分自动计算正确的分数。 {#} {#}与孩子一起玩时完美,让他们保持得分! {#} {#}均以Yahtzee奖金和斯堪的纳维亚Yatzy规则支持国际Yahtzee。 {#}...
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: January 02, 2018
♕ 2016 서울어코드 대상 수상작 ♕● 소설 속 셜록이 현실로 나온 것 같다는 평가를 받고있는 명탐정.그에게는 은밀한 취미가 있는데, 뒷 세계에서의 범죄 자문이다.● 뒤 세계서의 그는 아이러니하게도 소설 속 모리아티...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: January 01, 2018
Go, also known as weiqi and baduk, is an attractive strategy board game invented some 4000 years ago in China. It is part of popular culture today in China, Japan and Korea and becomes increasingly popular in the west. has been promoting this game online since 1999. Among other studying...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: December 30, 2017
A straightforward and exhilarating first-person-shooter game that runs on all platforms (Mac, PC, Smart Phones)!Update on Dec 30th 2017:The game now supports Bots! Press pause(escape) during a game to add bots into the game. Careful! They’re quite strong, believe me.* Pick a side, join the army...
Version: 1.7.3 APK - Updated: December 30, 2017
A Jurassic Match 3 game - Experience the thrill of the best Jurassic EXCITING MATCH 3 GAME - Unique Dinosaur power-ups, flames and explosions help you Match and Switch your way through 600 levels that forward you along the path too dino mountain.Limited Edition - All Unlocked Version - Unlimited...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: December 29, 2017
-Includes all Generation 3 Pokemon and Raid Bosses, as well as Gen 1 and 2- Full simulation shows how a group of your Pokemon might do against any of the raid bosses. A must have addition for a serious Pokemon trainer.- Increase your chances of winning a raid battle. This app will chose the best...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: December 29, 2017
获取没有广告的最佳无障碍游戏。{#}通过银河系解开行星的连接。{#}可用的十个季节和360个级别。{#} {#}这是一个经典的解开游戏,具有不同的困难和挑战和挑战和挑战和挑战和挑战和挑战非常上瘾。...
Version: 2.4.4 APK - Updated: December 27, 2017
Thank you for *buying* this version from Google Play.This is the Fellowship Edition for Ananias Roguelike, where you can play with the 4 extra classes: Barbarian, Slayer, Monk and Sage!Check out the free version and then get this one if you like it.Explore the ancient ruins, survive to the bottom...
Version: 3.1.9 APK - Updated: December 24, 2017
* Open surprise eggs and get items that make funny sound.* 15+ Animals. More coming soon.* Numbers 1 - 10.* Alphabets A - Z.* One of the best learning free games for kids.* No ads.Try it out now!
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: December 23, 2017
Перевірте, чи знає ваша дитина правила безпеки в Інтернеті.Цій тест розроблен на початку 2017 року сумісно з Фондом Королівської Канадської Кінної Поліції (RCMPF) для...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: December 23, 2017
在这个游戏中,你扮演拆解工的角色。你有几种类型的炸弹可以摧毁各种建筑物。你的目标是尽可能多地摧毁建筑物。* 惊人的图形* 逼真而有趣的破坏* 有趣的谜题* 三个世界中的72个关卡
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: December 23, 2017
PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Merge Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to play. To find out how to get a Merge Cube and learn more, visit this website at: https://www.MergeCube.comNavigate through various puzzles to try and get your ball to the goal! Includes 5 unique worlds to play on. Made to...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 22, 2017
"If you're the kind of gamer that digs Asteroids and Breakout and are into the retro aesthetic, Breakeroids is one you'll probably want to grab." - Touch Arcade "With its tight controls and retro polish, we had fun with the game." - Slide To Play "If taking out some...