Máquina de sílabas
fomenta la percepcin fonolgica y destrezas de lectura en espaol.
mquina de slabas es un juego diseado para facilitar la percepcin fonolgica y destrezas de lectura uniendo sonidos en silabas en espaol. esta destreza en particular se puede ensear a las edades de 3 a 7 aos. este juego se puede usar para dar prctica adicional que es divertida para nios del desarrollo tpico al igual que a nios con necesidad de intervencin conocida como rti y nios con dificultades de aprendizaje. desarrollado por una maestra de lectura y terapeuta de habla y lenguaje bilingue.
cmo se juega?
este juego es fcil de jugar independientemente por el nio o con asistencia de un profesional o padre. el juego seala al nio/a escoger un engrane con una consonante y luego le seala donde ponerlo en la mquina. la mquina une la consonante con una vocal al azar para formar una silaba. la slabas se presenta en una bola para que el nio/a la lea. la slabas es leda en voz alta por el juego cuando el usuario hace click en la bola, esto as corrigiendo o reforzando la lectura de la silaba. el usuario se entretiene y motiva con animaciones visuales y audibles durante el juego para mantener su inters en la lectura de ms slabas.
mquina de slabas is a game designed to facilitate phonological awareness while blending single sounds into syllables addressing literacy skills in spanish. blending may be addressed in ages 3 to 7 years of age. this game may be used to provide fun extra practice for a typically developing child, children in the rti model as well as with children with learning difficulties.
how to play
this fun game is easy to use independently by the child or facilitated by professional and/or parent. the child is prompted to select a consonant gear from the shelf and then prompted to insert gear/consonant into the syllable machine. the syllable machine then makes a combination of the selected consonant with a random vowel. a bubble with the syllable is produced for the child to read. when the child is ready to check his answer, he or she clicks on the bubble and the bubble reads the syllable to them thus providing reinforcement of sounds being blended for correction or affirmation of response. the child is provided with visual and audible extrinsic motivators throughout the game to keep them engaged and attempting more syllables. created by a bilingual reading teacher and bilingual speech and language pathologist
cmo se juega?
este juego es fcil de jugar independientemente por el nio o con asistencia de un profesional o padre. el juego seala al nio/a escoger un engrane con una consonante y luego le seala donde ponerlo en la mquina. la mquina une la consonante con una vocal al azar para formar una silaba. la slabas se presenta en una bola para que el nio/a la lea. la slabas es leda en voz alta por el juego cuando el usuario hace click en la bola, esto as corrigiendo o reforzando la lectura de la silaba. el usuario se entretiene y motiva con animaciones visuales y audibles durante el juego para mantener su inters en la lectura de ms slabas.
mquina de slabas is a game designed to facilitate phonological awareness while blending single sounds into syllables addressing literacy skills in spanish. blending may be addressed in ages 3 to 7 years of age. this game may be used to provide fun extra practice for a typically developing child, children in the rti model as well as with children with learning difficulties.
how to play
this fun game is easy to use independently by the child or facilitated by professional and/or parent. the child is prompted to select a consonant gear from the shelf and then prompted to insert gear/consonant into the syllable machine. the syllable machine then makes a combination of the selected consonant with a random vowel. a bubble with the syllable is produced for the child to read. when the child is ready to check his answer, he or she clicks on the bubble and the bubble reads the syllable to them thus providing reinforcement of sounds being blended for correction or affirmation of response. the child is provided with visual and audible extrinsic motivators throughout the game to keep them engaged and attempting more syllables. created by a bilingual reading teacher and bilingual speech and language pathologist
Download Máquina de sílabas 1.3 APK
Versión Actual: 1.3
Instalaciones: 1000
Promedio De Calificación:
(5.0 out of 5)

Android 5.1+
Calificación De Contenido: Everyone
Nombre Del Paquete: com.ChiquiHabla.MaquinadeSilabas1
What's New in Maquina-de-silabas 1.3
This a game